Heel Traumeel Gel for muscle problems contortions skin injuries - sprains homeopathy

  • Heel Traumeel Gel for muscle problems contortions skin injuries - sprains homeopathy

Prices, Weights and Measures

Weight:250 ml

Price : € 32.85 -€ 31.95
€ 32.85

€ 31.95

In Stock


Traumeel Gel ad us vet. relieves musculoskeletal conditions – pain and inflammation in the back, neck, knee, foot, wrist and other joints. For animals

Heel Traumeel Gel


Traumeel Gel relieves musculoskeletal conditions – pain and inflammation in the back, neck, knee, foot, wrist and other joints.

For animals

Traumeel Gel Indications:


  • Injuries and their results
  • Inflammatory and degenerative processes accompanied by inflammations, especially at the connective and locomotorial system, e.g. arthritis, tendovaginitis, bursitis, galls of hockjoint.
  • To relieve pain and inflammation in joints and muscles.

Arnica montana D3 0,15 g, Calendula officinalis Ø 0,045 g, Hamamelis virginiana Ø 0,045 g, Echinacea Ø 0,015 g, Echinacea purpurea Ø 0,015 g, Matricaria recutita Ø 0,015 g, Symphy- tum officinale D4 0,01 g, Bellis perennis Ø 0,01 g, Hypericum perforatum D6 0,009 g, Achillea millefolium Ø 0,009 g, Aconitum napellus D1 0,005 g, Atropa bella-donna D1 0,005 g, Mercurius solubilis Hahnemanni D6 0,004 g.



Unless otherwise prescribed, the gel is massaged 2-3 times daily on the affected area of ​​the skin until the symptoms lessen.
In case of heavy swelling, apply thickly and possibly cover with a bandage.

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