Heel Euphorbium comp. H homeopathy

  • Heel Euphorbium comp. H homeopathy

Prices, Weights and Measures

Weight:50 Stück Tabletten

Price: € 21.50
In Stock

Weight:250 Stück Tabletten

Price: € 49.95
In Stock


Homeopathic remedy for colds , acute or chronic inflammation of the nasal mucosa caused by infectious, allergic pseudo-allergic. In acute or chronic sinusitis

Homeopathic remedy for colds , acute or chronic inflammation of the nasal mucosa caused by infectious, allergic pseudo-allergic. In acute or chronic sinusitis, often arises from a runny nose (rhinitis, common cold, viral rhinitis)

Euphorbium D4 (Euphorbium)
D4 Pulsatilla
Loofah operculata D6 (Loofah)
Ruber, Mercurius iodatus D12 (mercury (II) iodide red blister)
D10 silver nitrate (silver nitrate).


Horses, cattle 5-6 tablets 3 times a day.
Foals, calves, pigs 5 tablets 3 times a day.
Sheep, goat 3-6 tablets 3 times a day.
Dog, cat 2 - 3 tablets 3 times a day.
Birds 1 - 2 tablets crush and dissolve in 10 ml of water.
Rodents 1/4 of the tablet 3 times daily.

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