Heel Echinacea compositum ad us. vet. Injection Solution ampoule 5 ml

  • Heel Echinacea compositum ad us. vet. Injection Solution ampoule 5 ml

Prices, Weights and Measures

Weight:5 ml Amp

Price: € 28.50
In Stock


Stimulation of the body’s defense systems, in fever and inflammations, delayed recovery period in horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, goats, dogs and cats

Echinacea compositum ad us. vet. Injection Solution ampoule 5 ml

Stimulation of the body’s defense systems, in fever and inflammations, like abscesses, furuncles, phlegmons, gingivitis, sinusitis, gastroenteritis, enterocolitis, cystitis, pyelitis,
vaginitis, purulent fistulae, osteomyelitis, otitis, skin diseases, mastitis, bovine respiratory disease, swine influenza, cat flu, delayed recovery period.

No Interaction with other medications known

Withdrawal period:

Echinacea angustifolia D3, D4 Aconitum napellus, Sulfur D8, D10 mutus Lachesis, Bryonia D6, Hydrargyrum bichloratum D6, D8, Phosphorus, Arnica montana D6



Echinacea compositum ad us. vet. is to be administered by s.c. or i.v. injection and can also be administered orally

According to species, the daily single dosage is as follows:
Horse, cattle, swine: 5 ml
Piglet: 2–3 ml
Sheep, goat; 2 ml
Large dog: 3–4 ml
Medium dog: 2 ml
Small dog, cat: 1–2 ml
Puppy: 0.5–1 ml
Small pets: 0.5 ml
In cases with acute symptoms, the indicated dosage can be repeated after a period of 24 hours.


Heel ampoules may be used for injection (subcutaneous, intramuscular or intravenous),  taken  orally  or  injected  to  acupuncture  points,  individually  or can be combined  with  other  Heel  injection  solutions.  The  normal  dosage  is  2  or  3  times  a week, in severe cases daily, sometimes several times a day, if recommended by a Vet, until improvement.
The advantages of an oral application of the ampoules, are  convenience  and  lack  of  complications since the  customer  himself  can  do this.

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