Bach Flower Remedies for Animals - Mustard

  • Bach Flower Remedies for Animals - Mustard

Prices, Weights and Measures

Weight:Mustard 20 ml

Price: € 13.95
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Bach flower remedie nr 21 Mustard is used for sudden depression, melancholy, gloom for no known reason. This remedy can bring on a sense of joy and optimism.


Supra-Cell Bach Flower Remedies for Animals - nr 21 Mustard

( depression)


Short characteristic of the animal:

Animals that appear to be suffering from an intense depression without any clear cause.



Used for sudden depression, melancholy, gloom for no known reason. This remedy can bring on a sense of joy and optimism.  Recommended for sudden depression due to latent memories of past physical, mental or emotional traumas.


The virtue of Mustard is joy and optimism


Dosage and use

Put 2 drops in a mixing bottle (30 ml) with mineral water and drop 4 drops at least 4 times a day, or more as needed, in the mouth.

If mixing multiple remedies (maximum 7) place 2 drops of each remedy in a 30ml mixing bottle of mineral water, use as above.

For acute problems such as panic, injury or trauma, acute anxiety, pain or illness, the Bach flower remedy may be given frequently,  2 - 3 doses over 5 -7 days.(or even every few seconds if necessary)

For chronic or mild conditions 1-2 doses over 4 to 6 weeks.

Please note that you should always consult your veterinarian should you have any questions about your pet's health.

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