Bach Flower Remedies for Animals - Agrimony

  • Bach Flower Remedies for Animals - Agrimony

Prices, Weights and Measures

Weight:Agrimony 20 ml

Price: € 13.95
In Stock


For highly sensitive animals with anxiety, in need of harmony, for animals with compulsive grooming behavior, self-mutilation, tail biting, foot licking, physical stress, nervousness, hyperactivity, nervous scratching (itch).

Supra-Cell Bach Flower Remedies for Animals - nr 1 Agrimony

(sensitivity, anxiety, restlessness)

Short characteristic of the animal:

Harmony-seeking animals, always avoiding conflicts, can easily be overtrained. Highly sensitive animals with anxiety. (Nervous muscle twitching, shaking)


For highly sensitive animals with anxiety, in need of harmony, for animals with compulsive grooming behavior, self-mutilation, tail biting, foot licking, physical stress, nervousness, hyperactivity, nervous scratching (itch). Agrimony is also perfect for the restless dog that is pacing back and forth and is restless in his sleep.


The virtue of Agrimony is peace of mind


Dosage and use

Put 2 drops in a mixing bottle (30 ml) with mineral water and drop 4 drops at least 4 times a day, or more as needed, in the mouth.

If mixing multiple remedies (maximum 7) place 2 drops of each remedy in a 30ml mixing bottle of mineral water, use as above.

Please note that you should always consult your veterinarian should you have any questions about your pet's health.

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